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" Why am I seeing this message?"

  • Have you created your account? If not, please visit our Registration Page to start using The KineticStudio Network to accelerate your career!
  • If you were already logged in, your session may have timed out if you did not make any clicks for a long time. This prevents other users from accessing your information when you are away from your desk. Please Log In.
  • You may not have logged in successfully at first. Please Try Again.



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We encourage our Artist and Gallery members to only upload original content to which they own or represent ownership in the copyright of that content.  Kinetic Media Engine LLC is the developer and provider of  the Spotlight Websites and The Kinetic Studio Suite.  We do our best to screen all content before it appears on the Website, however, we take no responsibility for the content itself. provides a portal and all content provided to the portal is the sole responsiblity of the portal member who manages the content for their account.  Should you, as a viewer, find any objectionable content or possible copyright infringement, please contact and we will do our best to resolve the situation.

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