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Photographer Application - Create Account



Create Your
Account Here

Our application process is FREE! It is a required step of all of our Producers as this is our Agency Intranet as well as our contact management system and you need to be in the database to receive announcements and booking requests.

Upon completion and acceptance of your application, you will receive a Welcome Kit e-mail with further instructions.

Please review our Web Site announcements frequently.

Our application is very thorough because every field in our database is searchable. You are required to supply at least your contact information and a brief bio.  You may always update all of your information as often as you wish.

All personal information is for internal use only. Your personal information will not appear on our Web site, be given to our clients offline or to any third party unless under contractual agreement involving yourself.

PhotoCalibur  KineticStudio Portfolio

Step 1
Create Account
Step 2
Contact Info
Step 3
Step 4


* Create a UserName:

Select a Username, between 4 and 8 characters long, which you will remember but may be difficult for others to guess. Your Username will only be used to log in to the system and verify your account, not to identify you to others.


*Create a Password:

Select a Password which is 4 to 8 characters long with no spaces or punctuation.

Validate Password:

*Create a KineticStudio ID:

(also referred to as "NickName" or "SystemID" on the Web site.) Your KineticStudio ID will be used to identify you to other users when you post articles to our message boards, it will also be used by your agency to reference your account and make bookings. We recommend using your first name, last initial and birth date. Such as: SandraB0804

  Full name for billing and payments. (How checks should be addressed).

*Talent First Name:

Middle Name:

* Last Name:


* Your Professional Name:

Your "Professional Name" is how you wish your name to appear on your resume, Comp Cards, and film credits. You may wish to use your first name and last initial for additional privacy or your first and last name if you do not have an alternate Stage Name. For Children, please only enter First Name and Last Initial.

Tag Line:
(Used as the title of your Bio Page.)

* EMail:

Over Eighteen? :

Yes No

If this talent is under 18, please list
the parent or guardian name and contact info.

Legal Guardian

The following fields are optional but helpful for the operation of your portfolios.
* Gender: Female Male No Answer
(ctrl-click for more than one)

  How did you hear about us?
  If you met someone from our agency at an event or were referred by one of our talent or our scouts, please enter their name below.


Data Security provided by KineticStudio.net
Look for a lock on your browser window
and our server name on the security certificate.

If you have questions or would like to report an issue,
please contact WebSupport@WebSupport@KineticStudio.net

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